Thursday, October 4, 2007

How do you pronounce Briony???

...not that I really care, but it would kinda be nice to know.
Sorry, of course I care.

The reason I ask is because it really affects how I view her as a narrator and as a person. There are certain pronunciations where I could never imagine her being a real, living, breathing human being. I actually think she is credible -- I think the purpose of her writing this book was actually to provide a final legit account of her story. All her other works are truly fictional. As for being real? I'll believe it when I meet her. I'm not quite sure how McEwan makes her seem so real. The easiest explanation would be the insane amount of detail that he provides.

I'd have to think that McEwan sympathizes with Briony, though at times he may think she's a little obtuse. I'm basing this on the fact that he made me like Briony. I don't feel like giving a significant explanation right now.

That answered a bunch of qusetions...the interesting one is does she get what she deserves? Thankfully for her, yes! Maybe that's her proper atonement. God's atonement for her. She has a nice little string of thoughts aboubt God forgiving her versus forgiving herself because she's God. I'm not sure how much of it I commpletely followed, but it was really interesting and thought provoking. McEwan brings up a question of how the author can forgive him/herself for the story. Actually, throughout the story he has a lot of questions about self-reference. I'm reading a book called Godel Escher Bach all about this type of "strange loop". It's interesting, and brought me sufficiently off topic. Please forgive the typos above...


Bex_love said...

After much speculation, I believe the correct pronunciation is Bryan-ee with the accent on BRY. Atleast, that is how i have been pronouncing it throughout the book. I was actually just looking for the pronunciation when i stumbled upon this. If you find out the proper pronunciation, let me know. :)

Bex_love said...

BRYONY. just found that.

kknaylor said...

The proper pronunciation of Briony is (BREE-ə-nee). It is derived from the Greek Bryony wich is a flowering climbing plant.

Sherry [Grandma] Morrill said...

In a Washington Post interview of March 29, 2005 the author explained "Briony" was pronounced with the first part rhyming with 'lion' Stress on first syllable.

lulubelle said...

hey there not that you probaly care now but my name is Briony and I tell people its like this

Bri = as in ski
so brie -a -knee